Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday Day 2 30 in 30 challenge

Today has been a good day overall, with a couple of exceptions.....Every single part of my body is sreaming at me. I am surprised you all can't hear. I woke at 6:30 am did my morning workout..Had a tiny problem with Spiderman...third time through my legs just gave out...I started thinking that this is just so sad.. finished the entire workout but density is definitely decreased. Shoulder press is higher because I had to use Water Bottles instead of 10lb weights. I went to my business appointment was there from 10 until 2:30 and lunch was brought in. I asked for a Salad and used my own seasoning and balsamic vinegar. Was able to eat an apple and trail mix after the appt. Got back to my room and did my 2nd workout. Again my body is screaming. Arms feel like they are going to fall off. Ok enough whining..
Went to dinner and now getting ready to do last workout and go to bed.. It's almost 9PM.

B scrambled eggs, oatmeal, strawberries, hot water
L salad
s apple and trail mix
D filet, steamed veggies, small baked potato with balsamic vinegar.

Workout Density some same some improved, some pathetic.

Workout #2
improved time 2:15 and 2:30 was able to get all reps done.

Last workout took longer... I can really feel the burn. Hopefully in a couple of days the soreness will lessen.

All in all I am doing fine with the ED food...Water is OK but my legs feel like rubber, if I sit too long standing is a problem.. serves me right for slacking off workouts for too long.

That about wraps it up for Day # 2...

Be sure and check out Dax Moy's site for more ways to lose.. www.mylondonpersonaltrainer.com

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