Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday night Day 1 30 in 30

What a day this has been. Up at 4 am to do first round of excercises. Density for Meltdowns are as follows
round 1 33-39
round 2 32-20
round 3 20-28
round 4 45-24

Second Workout
This was accomplished in 2:45 seconds.

Then breakfast of Oatmeal with blueberries. Off to airport. I ordered a salad at the airport and used some of my grilled chicken breast with dressing kind of dry but I was hungry. On the plane I snacked on my homemade trail mix. 2 1/2 hr layover and then landed in Ohio at 7:30..of course there was a delay but that is to be expected these days.

I have been drinking my water but think that I am a tad bit shy of the 3.5 litres today. It was hard to measure all that I consumed.

Arrived at hotel 8 pm local time and really I ordered room service of small filet mignon, baked potato ( ate half) and steamed asparagus. While I was waiting for food to arrive I did my second set of workouts.

I have now eaten and am feeling almost human. I have about another 20 minutes before I can do my last round of workouts. I should be able to get this done by 10 pm and then off to bed...losing 3 hours is a bit of a hassle but all in all I should be able to get everything done.

Then we can start all over again tomorrow. Right now my arms are sore, but I imagine tomorrow morning pretty much all of me will be screaming...I will sign off for Day 1 and finish my last workout.

Most likely I will not get a chance to read everyone's blog but I will catch up later this week. I do feel bad that I did not know about daily weight and measurements before I left this morning...So it may take me a couple of days before I can post. I have to find scale and buy a tape measure.

Until tomorrow...Be sure and check out Dax Moy's site for more ways to lose..


  1. Well done Margot!

    Fitting this into a travel schedule is tough but I know that if anyone can do it, you can : )

    Keep it up!


  2. Great job of handling your eating plan and making sure you fit in all the workouts while you are travelling.

  3. I'm really glad that balsamic vinegar and olive oil you had in your suitcase made it safe and sound. That was a real dedication if you ask me. Way to go!
